Clubs & fixtures

Attendance at clubs

We would like all children to attend clubs every week. If they are not able to attend for any reason they should let the adult running the club know, unless they are absent through illness.

Sports clubs

All sports clubs this term will take place outside, and we will try to run the club in most conditions. For this reason we recommend that all children bring suitable clothing. In the case of adverse weather, the club may take place indoors in the school hall.  If a club is being cancelled, a text message will be sent to you by 2pm.

Collection arrangements

Please tick on the reply slip whether your child will be collected from the club venue or has permission to walk home (Year 5/6 children only). All children must be collected promptly from clubs. If children are regularly late being collected, they may be asked to leave the club.

For details of clubs running this term, please speak to your class teacher or email [email protected]

Paper copies of website information is available on request.

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