Our School

White Meadows judges itself to be a good school. We are proud of how well we care for the children and how the excellent quality of teaching ensures that all children make good progress. We always try to improve, and are currently working hard to improve our SAT results in Key Stage 2 – lots of improvements have already been made and the future is looking very positive.

The main building comprises 20 classrooms, which includes a 52 place nursery. At White Meadows, we support the ‘whole child’ and recognise that external factors such as loss or bereavement can often hinder progress and happiness in school. We therefore have a dedicated nurture base (The Reef) where children who require support for their emotional and social wellbeing are supported in a safe, nurturing environment, by dedicated and highly-trained members of our school team.

Our primary also has an extremely well resourced design studio, where children of all ages have the opportunity to cook and undertake creative projects using the latest art, design and home economics equipment. We are also extremely fortunate to have a number of rooms that provide the ideal learning environment for small group work to take place.

Paper copies of website information is available on request.

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