Friends of White Meadows

At White Meadows, parents and carers are encouraged to join and support our PTA, ‘Friends of White Meadows’, as it is through their hard work in raising additional school funds that we are able to enrich the resources available to our children. They will keep you regularly informed of any forthcoming events and are always pleased to see new faces becoming involved in the organisation of such activities. They support the school both financially and in time and goodwill. We value their involvement and appreciate all the support they give the school. All money raised by such events is for the benefit of our children.

Summer Fair 2024

We are excited to announce that our Summer Fair will take place on Friday 5th July from 3.30-5.00pm. To enable this event to be a success, we rely on your help and support. We will be having some donation days to collect items for our fair; please see this table for details. If you, or anyone you know, can donate a raffle prize, please let the office know. Many thanks in advance for your support, Mrs. Reid and the FOWM Team.

We are always keen to recruit new members and take on new ideas. So, if you’re interested in joining, or you have a good idea about how to raise money to enhance the education of our children, why not pop along to one of our regular coffee mornings. Alternatively, please speak to your class teacher who will advise you of the next steps or by emailing [email protected]

Our current Chairperson is Mr D Roberts.

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