Children are welcome to join us the term after they turn two in our Nutmeg room, and the term after they turn three in our Acorn and Conker room. Parents or carers are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school. It is a good idea to do so during the school working day, in order to see the school in action. If you would like to meet with the Headteacher during your visit, please indicate this when making your appointment.
If you would like to enrol your child in our Nursery, please complete our online form via our Welcome to Nursery page.
Children are able to start in Reception during the academic year in which they become five. Our admission number is 90. The Headteacher will hold a meeting for parents with children starting Reception during the summer term, to explain how the children will be inducted. Written information will be sent to you confirming dates and times.
At present, all admissions are dealt with through the Pupil Admissions Office, Centenary House, Durrington Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 2QB, telephone 03330 142 903 or email Please enable JavaScript to view!.
If, after, viewing our school, you wish to enrol your child, and you are not in our designated catchment area, please write to the Education Officer for the area. The Area Education Office will consult with the Headteacher as to the availability of a place. It is advisable to make these requests well in advance of your child’s starting date.
Click here to view our admissions policy
Paper copies of website information is available on request.